Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The alien invasion

Funny story ... My husband stays about 2 hours away during the week.  Not in the best neighborhood and not the best apartment.  He has been complaining of roaches in his apartment and so I have been getting him that spray.  He said he didn’t think it was working because he could still hear the roaches scratching on the floor at night.  I was talking to him on the phone and he was talking in a low voice and he was actually telling ME to be quiet.  Like anything could hear me on his end.  So we are BOTH on the phone speaking quietly.  Like we were both on this hunt even though I am 2 hours aways. "What are you doing?" What are you looking for" I am asking in a whisper.  All of the sudden I hear this shriek.  No just any shriek, but a girl-finding-a-mouse-in-the-kitchen type shriek. The phone drops on the floor.  I’m yelling “WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!! ARE YOU OKAY?” Anything could have happened, robbed, kidnapped ... I had no idea.  He FINALLY picks up the phone and says “I just saw the biggest roach I have EVER seen! No lie it's as big as my HAND!” This entire time we had been “hunting” a large cockroach? Really? He then tells me he has to go because he needs to find this thing.  About 20 minutes later I get another call and he can't find it.  If it's so big why can't he find it is my question.  He says he thinks it's one of those hissing cockroaches.  Aren't those only in Africa or Asia? Anyway, he says he is sleeping in the bath tube with all the lights on so the roach doesn’t get him.  I couldn’t believe. 
This all happened last night, he calls this morning and ... He survived the man eating cockroach last night and he said he sprinkled Ajax all over the floor.  He said he didn’t know what else today. SO NOW there’s a 1 bedroom apartment in San Antonio covered in Ajax because ... that will keep the roach at bay? Maybe?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just another day at the office

I guess todays posting will be a lot of my middle child, The Mad Hatter.  I will be very sad when it’s time for her to go off to school because she fills my day with silly sayings, creative activities (I guess you can call it) and the average initiation of her brother, Reeces Pieces.
My day started with "MOMMY" being screamed by The Mad Hatter.  I go in to see if she's OK and after all that screaming I open her door and she is "sleeping.”  LOL She is a character.  I walked up to her and she stretched and yawned as if she has been asleep the entire time and I was the actually waking HER up. After doing our morning thing, the cartoons are on and Mad Hatter decides to tell me I have “lots of stretch marks, Mommy” One thing I KNOW is I do not LOL.  I don’t even know where she learned those words.  Stretch and mark yes, but not together.  
She was in full swing today.  She had to have her spring dress because it makes her feel “bootipull”.  Especially when she twirls and twirls.  Although she has her ugly side and it showed today when she rolled her brother down the stairs.  All I see is my son rolling down the stairs like a roll of toilet paper.  He sits up and just shakes it off like another day at the office.  I asked her why she did this and she said I needed to plan a “macation.” She said she needed a “macation” that’s why she rolled him down the stairs. Another word I don’t know where she learned it and I am not 100% she knows what it means.  Other then that she was actually pretty tame today.  EXCEPT for the dirt storm she made in the back yard .  All I see is these plumes of dirt flying up in the air.  She has taken the the dog bowl filled it with dirt and was throwing it the air.  THEN spinning around in her cloud of dirt.  In the tub she went where she was telling there was a ladybug in her ear.  I think it’s just dirt. 
Mr. Reeces Pieces has FINALLY found is attitude. She actually tried to beat up Big Mak today for taking his toy.  Now I do NOT advocate violence between my kids or anyone, but I am glad he is finally standing up for himself.  Mad Hatter better watch out because it’s going to go down.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A little about life from Mars

So I'm sure once I start getting followers they will probably want to know who they are following ... Well, I wear many hats these days.  I am a mom of 3, 2 girls and a boy.  My oldest daughter is, and will hopefully always be, a forever happy child.  I don't anyone who loves life more then her.  She has some developmental delays and in the past months she has made leaps and bounds with reading and counting.  To some counting to 14 is small potatoes, but for this family it was a day for pizza and juice! And then there is my wild card.  My youngest girl I have a feeling I will writing about a lot.  She always keeps me on my toes.  She's full of sass and frass! I have to watch her.  Sharp as a whip and will get into any and everything.  Lastly there is my son, the happy sweet baby.  He is starting to walk and explore.  I love this time when they are learning so much everyday.
I am a wife to one of the greatest guys ever! He is in the Army and currently going to school.  It's a hectic life and some times extremely stressful, but I can't imagine that the Army life is the only stressful life out there.  Not to down play what we do, but I know there are others out there who may not put on the uniform and still make sacrifices.  I can say without a doubt he is the love my life and I don't know who else would put up with my craziness and I have NO idea would put up with his.  He's my penguin!
Most importantly I am ME! I'm your regular reality show junky! I am going to school right now.  I need that degree in my back pocket. =) We just moved into a new house so I spend most of my time trying to get it just right and THEN I'm landscaping the back.  I want a nice garden back there.  DIY is something I am big into.  Hopefully I can get some new tricks that I can share with you all.  I also sell Scentsy.  I love the product.  It's a great thing to sell.  My home always smells delicious!
So there is me in a nutshell.  I am liking this blogging thing!! Oprah was write! Write things down is relaxing! Well, typing thing out I guess is a better phrase! Good night blogger world! On to tomorrow!

And ... I'm blogging

I am taking a page from Oprah.  She said you should write things down.  I just decided to do it on a blog.  See if maybe I can connect with people, help people or just basically share things that are going on in my crazy life.  Also a friend of mine said I should have my own reality show with my crazy kids.  The next best thing seems to be a blog.  I hope I keep this up and I don't fall off.  I am saying right now that I am going to make a true go at this.  I always wondered WHY do people blog, but now I think it's kind of fun just typing to the void and hoping someone reads what you are putting out there.
So this is my new thing.  To blog about things going on in and around life as I know it.  With my crazy kids, the new place we moved into, my husband, my insane dogs.  This will fun! Let's get started!
Well, it's afternoon which means 1st grade homework.  Which is always fun.  All the kids are in full swing.  Maddyn is "playing" with our new pup.  That poor dog.  We have a Boston,Rosa, and a Pekingese, Lilly. Maddyn treats Lilly like a little toy.  Right now she is in a stroller being carted around the back yard, but any little girl would do thinks like that, right?  And my son is just going with the flow as always.  I am hoping to share some of the craziness that goes on in my life along with our trials and success.  I also hope to pass along ideas of fun things to do with kids and family and me time and anything else that I could pass on. =)